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Graduate Nurses Aim to Diversify Nursing Ranks and Tackle Healthcare Disparities

This group’s commitment to diversity extends beyond RIC into the Rhode Island community.

MEET OUR GRADUATES: Chicoine is Now a Three-Time School of Nursing Grad

Rhode Island College Impact

Chicoine opted to return to Rhode Island College because “the support is unparalleled,” she said.

MEET OUR GRADUATES: Jelyssa D’Lugo Pays It Forward to Future Nursing Students

Rhode Island College Impact

Nursing student Jelyssa D’Lugo ‘22 knew when she transferred to RIC that she wanted to be as involved as possible on campus. She couldn’t have predicted just how much she would do.

Using High-Tech Simulators to Educate Future Nurses

Rhode Island College School of Nursing — a regional leader in innovation and simulation.