Certificate Programs

RIC students in class

We offer both Certificates of Undergraduate Study (CUS) and Certificates of Graduate Study (GGS). Find out why you should take advantage of these programs. 

Our Certificates of Undergraduate Study (CUS)

CUS programs are primarily for undergraduate-level students and consist mostly of RIC undergraduate-level courses. These certificates have significant requirements for admission and to remain in the programs. They provide applied academic and/or professional training.

Current CUS Offerings

Business Programs

Classical Studies

Education Programs

Healthcare, Wellness, Social Service Programs

Science and Technology

Our Certificates of Graduate Study (CGS) 

CGS programs are primarily for students who already have an undergraduate degree and consist mostly of RIC graduate-level courses. These certificates have extensive requirements for admission and to remain in the program. They provide advanced applied academic and/or professional training

Current CGS Offerings

Business Programs

Classical Studies

Education Programs

Healthcare, Wellness, Social Service Programs

Science and Technology

Modern Biological Sciences

Rhode Island College entrance

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Office of Professional Studies and Continuing Education

Professional Studies and Continuing Education (PSCE) extends the educational offerings and resources of Rhode Island College (RIC) and provides administrative programming support and assistance to affiliated agencies and organizations on and off campus.