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Exclusive Interview: Viola Davis talks about her life and her new film

“Every time I’ve seen Davis, she has created a character so real that, for a few seconds at least, she stops the movie in its tracks.” – Charles Taylor,

MEET OUR STUDENTS: Budding Filmmaker Emerges from Shadow of Genocide

Rhode Island College Impact

In a voice so soft one must strain to hear him, RIC communication major Virgile Mahoro speaks of the atrocities he witnessed.

Segregation is Back in America’s Public Schools

On November 14, 1960, six-year-old Ruby Bridges integrated the William Frantz Public School. In retaliation, white parents withdrew their children and Bridges’s father was fired from his job. Ruby completed the first grade alone. Ruby’s walk to school the first day, escorted by U.S. Marshals, inspired the 1964 Norman Rockwell painting “The Problem We All Live With.”

The Illuminated Walkway, a Sixth-Century Mystic and the Number Nine

Pythagoras, Greek mystic, mathematician and “father of numerology,” would raise an interested eyebrow if he knew that RIC’s Illuminated Walkway was unveiled on the ninth day of the ninth month in the ninth year of the third millennium.

RIC Hosts 2014 STEM Career Expo for Girls

In a workshop titled “Learning to Make Things Fly,” students received a quick lesson in physics and built their own catapult.

MEET OUR STUDENTS: Jose Rosario – An Odd Twist of Fate Led to His Life Purpose

This 19-year-old, who uses a wheelchair, is determined to help support at-risk teens.

Meet Our Students: Camden O’Brien Interns in Austria

The Salzburg Global Seminar in Austria is not simply another study abroad program. More than 70 international students gathered to change the world.

MEET OUR STUDENTS: Nicholas DeLuca, Army ROTC Cadet

RIC students normally travel overseas via study abroad, but Nicholas DeLuca crossed continents by another route – ROTC (the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps).

Born on the Tail of a Hurricane: RIC Adjunct Jennifer Bonin

“I was born during Hurricane Agnes, one of New England’s earliest land-falling hurricanes. It seems hurricanes have been following me ever since,” says RIC Adjunct Instructor of Geography Jennifer Bonin ’04.