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Campus Police Officer Chronicles History of Prov. Police Department

Among the many published scholars at Rhode Island College, you can add a member of the Rhode Island College campus police. 

Burn Pits – The Agent Orange of the Iraqi War

Service members are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with chronic – even deadly – illnesses

RIC Alum Fosters Love of Learning in ELL Students

“A student’s primary language is a big part of their identity,” Rivera said. “It should be viewed as a valuable resource that can be, and should be, maintained as students acquire and develop English language proficiency.”

We Teach Rhode Island: RIC is Responding to Shortage of ELL-Certified Teachers

Elisa Rivera, a second-grade, dual-language teacher, works with a child ​on reading​.​

“If You Don’t Vote, Nothing Changes,” Said LGBTQ Activist Judy Shepard

"Hate starts with fear and ignorance of what you don’t understand.” — Judy Shepard

RIC is on the Ballot, Official Launch of ‘Vote Yes on 2’ Campaign

Proposed redesign of Horace Mann Hall by Durkee Brown Viveiros Werenfels Architects

Danforth Discusses Adaptation of Book to Film

Rhode Island College Impact

"The Miseducation of Cameron Post," a film adapted from a novel by Emily Danforth, assistant professor of English, met with a packed audience at RIC.

Former Athletes Now RIC’s New Safety Patrol

Eric Alleyne ’15 (left) and Vandell Andrade have exchanged their basketball jerseys for polo shirts and are crisscrossing the campus instead of the court. ​They are​ RIC’s new safety patrol.​

College is Meant to be a Journey of Self-Discovery, Said RIC AVPs

From left: Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Tamika Wordlow and Associate Vice President of Student Services Ducha Hang

RIC President Frank D. Sánchez Appointed to New England Board of Higher Education

Rhode Island College Impact

Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo has appointed Rhode Island College President Frank D. Sánchez for a two-year term as delegate to the New England Board of Higher Education.​