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RIC First Year Seminar Takes Students on a Walk Through Local Latinx History

Rhode Island College Impact

A walking tour offers perspectives on Latinx communities in Providence, using Broad Street as the pathway.

School of Nursing Takes on a (Simulated) Disaster

Disaster simulation exercises don't just make nursing students better prepared for crisis – they make the state better prepared, too.

Film about Trailblazing Female Composers to Premiere at RIC, Accompanied by Performance

Rhode Island College Impact

"Women Trailblazers in Music: Noteworthy Composers" features extraordinary music by, and fascinating stories about, women composers, spanning 12 centuries. The event also includes a live concert with Judith Lynn Stillman and Friends.

RIC Mourns the Loss of Professor Emeritus P. William Hutchinson

Rhode Island College Impact

Professor Emeritus Hutchinson has been a beloved member of the RIC Music, Theatre and Dance department and the college community for decades. A celebration of Dr. Hutchinson's life will be held at future date.

Post-COVID Predictions

It’s never easy to look into the future, yet when five Rhode Island College faculty members were asked to offer their predictions of what a post-COVID RIC campus might look like they agreed to take the plunge.

Make it Visual and They Will Come – RIC Students Build Innovative Software

This software helps users organize and analyze data and inspires youth to enter the field of analytics.

Discrimination is a Health Concern, say RIC Faculty

The daily stress of being marginalized can have powerful impacts on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Looks Like We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

While many struggle with Zoom fatigue, four professors are fostering a deeper appreciation for remote learning.

Ethnicity vs. Race, Part 2

“Race isn’t that important. Culture is what makes you who you are.” – RIC student, Heidi Salazar Martinez

Ethnicity vs. Race, Part 1

When talking about race and ethnicity, there are certain characteristics that can help people understand the differences.