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Three RIC Faculty Members Awarded 2023 North Star Collective Fellowships

The NSC fellowship provides BIPOC faculty with a nurturing and supportive community while they engage in professional development.

RIC Prof. Russell Potter Awarded Kamookak Medal

One of the foremost experts on the history of polar exploration is honored by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society

RIC Faculty Member Explores the Imperial & Public Feasts of Ancient China

These bronze vessels at the National Palace Museum were once used at rituals and feasts by emperors and aristocrats.

Two RIC Educators Awarded for Contributions to Multilingual Learning Education

Rhode Island College Impact

Laura Faria-Tancinco ’15 (left) and Professor Emerita Nancy Cloud were recognized by the Rhode Island Teachers of English Language Learners.

New Course Helps Humanities Majors Prepare for Professional Careers

“I want humanities students to graduate from RIC with a sense of adventure when they see all the career possibilities before them,” says Associate Professor Brandon Hawk.

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Features Prominently in Work of RIC Prof. Vince Bohlinger

Bohlinger showcases the fascinating cinematic output of Ukrainian filmmakers both in his teaching and scholarship.

Members of RIC School of Social Work Gain National Recognition

RIC’S own awarded by R.I. Chapter of NASW

Prices are Rising While Wages are Stagnating: Inflation Explained

No matter where you go, people are talking about rising costs. What is inflation and how did we get here? Hear it from an expert – RIC Assistant Professor of Economics Ignacio Ramirez Cisneros.

WANTED: More Than Half a Million Graduates in Cybersecurity

A Q&A with Associate Professor of Computer Science Suzanne Mello-Stark on the need to develop our cybersecurity workforce

RIC Students are Encouraged to Use Their Own Voice to Tell Their Own Stories

RIC Writing Center Interim Director Clarissa Walker is empowering young writers in the classroom and through her podcast – “Story Culture Live.”