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RIC Alum Fosters Love of Learning in ELL Students

“A student’s primary language is a big part of their identity,” Rivera said. “It should be viewed as a valuable resource that can be, and should be, maintained as students acquire and develop English language proficiency.”

We Teach Rhode Island: RIC is Responding to Shortage of ELL-Certified Teachers

Elisa Rivera, a second-grade, dual-language teacher, works with a child ​on reading​.​

Necessity Became the Mother of Invention for Math App Inventor Roberto Campusano

“Like most discoveries in life, I stumbled upon this as I was pursuing something else,” says Roberto Campusano ’95.

Dorca Paulino: A Bridge Between Job-Seekers and the Judiciary

Born in the Dominican Republic, Paulino spent her early years in a city torn by civil strife that would forever shape her life direction.

Pres. Obama Awards 3 RIC Alumni for Excellence in Teaching

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is the highest recognition in the United States that K-12 mathematics and science teachers can receive for outstanding teaching.

RIC Graduate & Fulbright Scholar Heads for Austria

Rhode Island College Impact

Joseph Sherry not only made Dean’s List for eight consecutive semesters, graduating summa cum laude, he won a prestigious Fulbright Austria scholarship.

RIC Alumnus Publishes Article in “Film Matters” Magazine

Rhode Island College Impact

It all started with a paper she wrote for her film studies course.

A Passion for Teaching and Social Justice

Yanaiza Gallant with her students at the Lillian Feinstein Elementary School at Sackett Street in Providence.