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RIC Alum is a Patent Attorney, But Remains a Scientist at Heart

Rhode Island College Impact

"I love Rhode Island College. There's not many schools like it," says Richmond. "The big universities tend to focus a lot on faculty research and getting articles published. Oftentimes teaching becomes secondary. At Rhode Island College I received personal, individualized attention that you just don't get at a large university."

Ambassador for Ocean Science – Alumnus Christopher Reddy

Christopher Reddy collects oil leaking from the USS Arizona, which was destroyed during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 in Oahu, Hawaii. (In the background, the USS Arizona Memorial straddles the sunken vessel.)

$251K Champlin Grant Funds 2 Bio Labs & Equipment

This grant will provide upgraded lab space and equipment for teaching and learning.

They’ve Got the Bug: Bio Lab Research at RIC

At RIC, research students aren't worker bees, they're collaborators.

Swimming in Genes: Bio Lab Research at RIC

Morning is feeding time in the lab of Assistant Professor Larissa Patterson.

Earth Beat: Bio Lab Research at RIC

"This research opened my eyes to how much I love biology and specifically ecology.”

Close Relations: Bio Lab Research at RIC

If you work in a lab long enough, a lot of strange things start to look human. 

Invasion of the Tau Mutants: Bio Lab Research at RIC

You’re not going to believe what biology students and their faculty mentors are cooking up in the lab these days ... Try mutant proteins.

STEAM Conference By and For Kids – KIC@RIC

Science doesn't get any better than this.