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Scholarships Take RIC Students Abroad

These future Rhode Island educators believe it is important to understand the language and culture of their students.

Serving God & Her Country ... How This RIC Student is Spending Her Summer

Cadet Feliz Paulino will engage in military training then intern in Alaska with staff Army chaplains.

Alumna Creates Academic Award Named After Geráld the Turkey

RIC’s turkeys, like this award, encourage students to take advantage of RIC’s abundance.

4 Justice Studies Students Write Book – “Guardians of Justice”

The hope is that this book will serve as a resource for RIC students interested in criminal justice careers, said the authors.

News Brief: 5 RIC Theatre Alum in Trinity’s “La Cage Aux Folles”

“I can’t think of a finer or more talented group to represent Rhode Island College,” says theatre professor.

To Forget is Human, to Remember Takes Practice

The mystery of how memory works is explained in a new book co-authored by Associate Professor of Psychology Megan Sumeraki.

Alum’s IT Fellowship Leads to Career in the Foreign Service

The Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship aims to attract top tech talent.

Assist. Prof. Erin Papa Earns Advocacy Award and Gov’t Citation

She’s been a “tireless advocate for language programs, students and teachers in Rhode Island.”

Beca tecnológica conduce a una carrera como funcionario del Servicio Exterior

La beca “Tecnologías de la Información de Asuntos Exteriores” tiene como objetivo atraer los mejores talentos tecnológicos.

From Podcast to Book, Alum Shares Little-Known Tales of American History

Nate DiMeo ’97 calls these tales “a cabinet of curiosities.”