Failure to Pay
Financial Hold
I understand that if I fail to pay my student account balance or any monies due and owed to Rhode Island College by the scheduled due date, a financial hold will be placed on my student account, and I will be prevented from registering for future classes or receiving my diploma.
Late Payment Charges
I understand that if I fail to pay my student account balance or any monies due and owed to Rhode Island College by the scheduled due date, I will be responsible for paying late payment charges until my past due balance is fully resolved.
Returned Payments
I understand that if a payment made toward my student account is returned by the bank for any reason, I will be responsible for re-paying the original amount of the payment plus a returned payment fee of $50 per item. I understand that multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply may result in the cancellation of my classes and/or the suspension of my eligibility to register for future classes.
Collection Agency Submission
I understand that if I fail to pay my student account balance or any monies due and owed to Rhode Island College by the scheduled due date, and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring my account current, the College may refer my delinquent account to a collection agency.
Method of Communication
I understand that the Rhode Island College uses e-mail as an official method of communication with me, and that I am expected to read and respond to e-mails which are sent to my Rhode Island College email address by College faculty and staff.
Updating Contact Information
I understand that I am responsible for keeping my educational records up to date with my current physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. Upon leaving the College for any reason, it is my responsibility to provide updated contact information for purposes of continued communication, including communication regarding any amounts that remain due and owed to the College.
Financial Aid
I understand that aid described as “anticipated” on my Financial Aid Award does not represent actual or guaranteed payment, but is an estimate of the aid I may receive if I meet all requirements stipulated by that aid program.
I understand that my Financial Aid Award is contingent upon my continued enrollment and attendance in each class upon which my financial aid eligibility was calculated. If I drop any class before completion, I understand that my financial aid eligibility may decrease and some or all of the financial aid awarded to me may be revoked. I understand that it is my responsibility to meet with an Academic Advisor and consult with my Financial Aid Counselor before making enrollment changes that may adversely affect my financial aid eligibility.
If some or all of my financial aid is revoked because I dropped credits or failed to attend class, I understand that I will be required to repay all revoked aid that was disbursed to my account and resulted in a credit balance that was refunded to me.