Seal of Biliteracy

The Seal of Biliteracy celebrates high school students who have multilingual competence. Students earn the Seal demonstrating competence in nationally recognized World Language standards, and English Language Arts standards as defined by the Commissioner Seal or English Proficiency standards. View RIDE's Seal of Biliteracy Policy.

The Seal of Biliteracy can be achieved at two levels: Silver and Gold. Rhode Island College grants college credit for the Seal of Biliteracy in the following ways,

Silver Seal of Biliteracy

4 Credits for a 113-level language course, which also will satisfy at least one General Education requirement, either in the Literature/Language or Elective categories.

Gold Seal of Biliteracy

8 Credits for 113 and 114-level language course, which also will satisfy at least one General Education requirement, either in the Literature/Language or Elective categories.

College Credit Toward a Major or Minor

When awarded in a language that has a major or minor at RIC (Italian, French, Portuguese, or Spanish), students receive at least 4 credits toward a language major or minor.