As a rule, students seeking honors in English complete a two-semester honors project in their senior year on topics of their choice with faculty advisors of their choice.
First you must submit a two-to-three-page proposal to the English Honors and Scholarships Committee in the semester preceding the anticipated beginning of work on your honors project (by April 15 for projects beginning in the Fall Semester and December 1 for projects beginning in the Spring Semester).
Your proposal should identify the topic that you wish to explore; give a preliminary sense of the direction that your explorations will take, including, to the extent possible, the methods, theories and/or techniques to be used; identify the primary texts that you plan to use as well as a few key scholarly or critical works; and include a schedule for the completion of the various steps of the project.
Although certainly open to change and development, your proposal should be more than just a statement of interest. It should reflect extended thought about the topic and at least an initial awareness of relevant resources in the field.
You should produce your preliminary proposal in close collaboration with your project adviser. Upon approval by the English Honors and Scholarships Committee, the department chair will register you for ENGL 490: Directed Study for the following semester.
The chair of the English Honors and Scholarships Committee will notify the director of College Honors that you have been approved to undertake honors in English and provide the director with your name, the name of the advisor and the working title of your project.