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The Many Faces of Alberto Denis

Performance artist Alberto Denis ’97 in “Then She Fell.”

RIC Alum Writes First History of Providence Film Studio

Founded in 1915, Eastern Film Corporation was nothing more than a footnote in Rhode Island film history, until Adam Tawfik researched the full story on the Providence-based silent film studio.

Actress Viola Davis ’88 Honored for “Making a Difference”

Rhode Island College Impact

“I always feel that when I come back to Rhode Island I am home,” said Viola Davis, the award-winning actress and alumna of Rhode Island College who was honored with a “Making a Difference” award.

“Speak Truth to Power” – The Story Behind the Burning of the Gaspee, A Film by RIC Alum Andrew Stewart

From left, Richard Lobban, RIC professor emeritus of anthropology; Andrew Stewart, Class of 2009; and Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, RIC professor emerita of anthropology.

Films by RIC Alum Are Among Station Nightclub Fire Tributes

This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of The Station nightclub fire, one of the deadliest fires in U.S. history. Among the many tributes will be the airing of a film created by Christian de Rezendes, a RIC alum, and Christian O’Neill.

A Passion for Teaching and Social Justice

Yanaiza Gallant with her students at the Lillian Feinstein Elementary School at Sackett Street in Providence.