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RIC Alumnus Produces Award-Winning Fantasy Novel

Melissa Medenciy’s “Island Eight” wins International Latino Book Award.

RIC’s Unity Center Director is a Proud Latina with Experience in Restorative Justice

Rhode Island College Impact

Among the students the Unity Center serves are BIPOC, LGBTQ+, first-generation and students seeking interfaith services.

Dos especialistas en Trabajo Social ayudando a su comunidad latina

“Después de todos estos años trabajando con la comunidad latina, tengo claro que los Estados Unidos necesita más consejeros bilingües”. ~ Cruz Zapata

Two Social Work Majors Are Helping Their Latino Community

“After all these years of working in the Latino community, it’s clear to me that the United States needs more bilingual counselors.” – Cruz Zapata

Graduate Nurses Aim to Diversify Nursing Ranks and Tackle Healthcare Disparities

This group’s commitment to diversity extends beyond RIC into the Rhode Island community.

Educadores de RI viajan al país de origen de sus estudiantes liderados por profesora de RIC

“Es importante saber de dónde vienen nuestros estudiantes para poder apoyarlos mejor en nuestras escuelas”. ~ Profesora Erin Papa 

R.I. Educators Travel to Their Students’ Native Guatemala, Led by RIC Professor

Rhode Island is an ethnically diverse community. “It’s important to know where our students come from, so we can better support them in our schools.” — Asst. Prof. Erin Papa (pictured far left)

RIC Alumna is Helping Others Harness the Power of Public Speaking

Your story is your superpower, says Aïcha Ly ’10

Gobierno de EE.UU. ofrece posgrado gratuito en ciberseguridad

CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service (Beca de servicio) fue creado por el gobierno federal para incrementar la seguridad nacional.

Jonathan Duran habla de su experiencia como becario de CYBERCORPS®

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