Social Work BSW Program Specifics

School of Social Work students, in class and animated participants

Values that Frame Our Program

The BSW program seeks to educate future social workers to become critical and creative citizens. We frame issues in social work and the larger culture in a manner that places:

  • social
  • racial
  • gender
  • economic
  • and climate justice 

as primary lenses through which we approach our world and our work. 

Graduates Prepared to Transform Systems

Our graduates will enter the profession as generalist practice social workers prepared to engage in work in any system with an anti-oppressive framework that emphasizes human rights and expanding opportunities to individuals through the transformation of unjust systems.

Hands-On, Experiential Learning Prioritized

The social work major leverages experiential learning as a key component. All students complete two semesters of an internship in a social service agency. They complete their field work in the fall and spring semester of their senior year (16 hours per week for 14 weeks). Students may choose to complete some of their internship hours in the summer.


Interested in Social Work?

Take the next step and apply to Rhode Island College using the Common Application.

Why Pursue Social Work at RIC?

The MSW and BSW programs have been reaccredited until 2026 by the Council on Social Work Education.
School of Social Work faculty are recognized for their expertise at the national level.

Our BSW Faculty

Program Details

Admission Requirements

Admission to the major is required in the junior year. To be admitted, students must:

  1. Enroll in Social Work 326, completing all course prerequisites.
  2. Apply to the program and include a personal statement and letter(s) of reference during the first semester of the junior year, before enrolling in Social Work 327. If applying to the accelerated BSW to MSW program, a second letter of reference from a BSW faculty member is required.
  3. Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 at the college level and a minimum GPA of 2.67 in 300-level social work courses. Maintenance of a GPA of 3.0 is the minimal standard for the BSW to MSW.
  4. Show evidence of personal qualities considered essential to professional social work practice, such as responsiveness and sensitivity in relationships, values compatible with the values of the social work profession, the ability to understand and carry out the ethical obligations of a social worker, commitment to improving social conditions and the ability to function collectively with others. If applying to the accelerated BSW to MSW program, students must demonstrate the ability to do graduate-level work.

Transfer students must also comply with these requirements. Specific information about application procedures may be obtained from assigned faculty advisors, the chair of the BSW department or their designee.

Rhode Island College entrance

BSW Program Chair

Joshua Diem

Dr. Joshua D. Diem

Associate Professor