- Department, Office, or School
- Department of Psychology
- Professor
- emailtmalloy@ric.edu
- phone401-456-8015
- location_onCraig-Lee Hall, 346
B.A., LaSalle College
M.A., Temple University
Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado - Ellis P. Copeland Advisor
Ph.D., University of Connecticut - David A. Kenny Advisor
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Selected Representative Publications
Malloy, T. E., Ristikari, T., Berrios-Candeleria, Lewis, B., & Agatstein, F. (2011). Status-Based Asymmetry in Intergroup Responses: Implications for Intergroup Reconciliation. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17, 31-42.
Malloy, T. E., Lewis, B., Kinney, L., & Murphy, P. (in press). Explicit weight stereotypes are curvilinear: Biased judgments of thin and overweight targets. European Eating Disorders Review, published online 13 March, 2011.
Malloy, T. E. & Goldfield, B. (2010). Use of the asymmetric block design and variance component analysis in research on adult-child language interaction. Ab Initio International Online, Spring, 2010. http://www.brazelton-institute.com/abinitio2010/art1.html.
Nadler, A., Malloy, T. E., & Fisher, J. D. (Eds., 2008). Social Psychology of Intergroup Reconciliation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Malloy, T. E. & Cillessen, A. T. N. (2008). Variance Component Analysis of Generalized and Dyadic Peer Perceptions in Adolescence. In N. A. Card, T. D., Little, T. D., & J. P. Selig, J. P. (Eds.) Modeling dyadic and interdependent data in developmental and behavioral research. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Kenny, D. A., West, T., Malloy, T. E., & Albright, L. (2006). Componential analysis of Interpersonal perception data. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10, 282-294.
Malloy, T.E., Barcelos, S., Arruda, E., DeRosa, M., & Fonseca, C. (2005) Individual differences And cross-situational consistency of dyadic social behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 643-654.
Malloy, T. E., Albright, L., Diaz-Loving, R.. Dong, Q., & Lee, Y. T. (2004). Agreement in Personality judgments in non-overlapping social groups in collectivist cultures. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 106-117.
Malloy, T. E., & Albright, L. (2001). Single and multiple interaction dyadic research designs: Conceptual and analytic issues. Basic and Applied Social Psychology,23, 1-19.
Albright, L., & Malloy, T.E. (2000). Experimental validity: Brunswik, Campbell, Cronbach and Enduring issues. Review of General Psychology, 4,337-353.
Malloy, T. E., Albright, L., Kenny, D. A., Agatstein, F., & Winquist, L. (1997). Interpersonal perception and metaperception in non-overlapping social groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 390-398.
Malloy, T. E., Sugarman, D.B., Montvilo, R.K., & Ben-Zeev (1995). Children's interpersonal perceptions: A social relations analysis of perceiver and target effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 418-426.
Kenny, D.A., Albright, L., Malloy, T.E., Kashy, D.A. (1994). Consensus in interpersonal perception: Acquaintance and the Big Five. Psychological Bulletin, 116, 245-258.
Malloy, T.E. (1992). Structural equation modeling of self initiated change. In Y. Klar, J. Fisher, J. D. Chinsky, & A. Nadler (Eds.). Initiating changes: Social psychological and clinical perspectives. New York: Springer.
Malloy, T.E., & Kenny, D.A. (1986). The Social Relations Model: An integrative method for personality research. Journal of Personality, 54, 101 124.
PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 221 Research Methods I: Foundations
PSYC 320 Research Methods II: Behavioral Statistics
PSYC 342 Behavior Modification
PSYC 424 Health Psychology
PSYC 500 Research Design & Analysis I
PSYC 501 Research Design & Analysis II
PSYC 593 Directed Readings
PSYC 594 Directed Research
Teaching: Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology, Personality Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, General Psychology.
Research: Interpersonal Perception, Development of Interpersonal Perception in Childhood and Adolescence, Social Behavior in Non-Human Animals, Social Interaction in Status Discrepant Dyads, Intergroup Perception, Affect, and Behavior.