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Need Help Choosing a Science Major? Turn to the Experts

No, we don’t mean the science experts – let Hollywood help you find the right program.

Student Vets Find Community at Military Resource Center

“When you’re on campus, drop by,” says Sgt. Steven Pina, the center’s new interim assistant director.

The Financial Pressure is Off for Hope Scholar Jacqueline Carroll

“It almost feels too good to be true,” says Carroll.

Hope Scholar, Olivia Lancellotta, Juggled Classes, Work and Evening Performances

Rhode Island College Impact

“When I received an email telling me I qualified for the Hope Scholarship, I thought, ‘This is crazy. Is this real?’”

Tytain Sun Says Hope Scholarship Has Been a Game Changer

Rhode Island College Impact

“The financial burden on my parents is off,” says Sun. RIC’s Hope Scholarship covers tuition and mandatory fees for in-state students during their junior and senior years.

Hope Scholar Remi Salako is Grateful for the Financial Support

Rhode Island College Impact

“It’s one thing to have the drive to succeed, but without the resources there’s nothing you can do,” Salako says.

RIC Social Work Students and Faculty Member Earn Prestigious NASW-RI Awards

Rhode Island College Impact

RIC’s School of Social Work has a statewide reputation for producing superior graduates taught by exceptional faculty.

Grad Degree Lifts Her From Low-Wage Earner to High-Paid Professional

Rhode Island College Impact

Upon completion of this unique M.S.W. program, Silvia Adames will become a fully licensed behavioral health counselor.

Hope Scholar, Moses Nicolau, Says Scholarship Couldn’t Have Come at a Better Time

Rhode Island College Impact

“Because of this scholarship, the stress has been lifted. I can now focus completely on school,” says Nicolau.

Student Veteran, Ariel Polanco, Says Hope Scholarship is “Real Hope”

Rhode Island College Impact

“Hope is important to me,” says Polanco, “because I came from a place where there wasn’t much hope.” Enacted this fall, RIC’s Hope Scholarship makes the final two years of a four-year bachelor’s degree tuition-free for R.I. residents.