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Objets d’art

RIC studio art major Gabrielle Lopez

Beethoven – Lone Genius or Collaborator?

RIC music performance major Cami Sylvia

The Power of the Hip Wine

“Imagine a Trinidadian carnival full of vibrant colors, costumes, drumbeats, whistles and horns. Imagine the smells, the sweat rolling down your back, the call and response.”

Meet Our Students: Camden O’Brien Interns in Austria

The Salzburg Global Seminar in Austria is not simply another study abroad program. More than 70 international students gathered to change the world.

MEET OUR STUDENTS: Nicholas DeLuca, Army ROTC Cadet

RIC students normally travel overseas via study abroad, but Nicholas DeLuca crossed continents by another route – ROTC (the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps).

Meet Our Students: Amber Lopez

RIC junior Amber Lopez used to describe herself as an “extremely shy girl from Providence,” but since studying abroad, she “can find enough common ground” to communicate with anyone.


Rhode Island College Impact

Up-and-coming artist Emily Sorlien ’14 of Wakefield has had a flurry of interest in her art both by the RIC campus community and the New England arts community.

MEET OUR GRADUATES: Cherissa Andrade

A single mother and Army veteran, Cherissa Andrade has successfully fought and won many battles, both overseas and on her own soil.

MEET OUR STUDENTS: Alex Watrous Lands an Internship Where Water & Fire Meet

“I think sitting around a fire at night creates a sense of community. It’s something human beings have been doing since the beginning of time,” said RIC film major Alex Watrous.

MEET OUR STUDENTS: Justin Davis Finds Healing in Arts & His Calling in Youth Development

His goal, he said, is simply “to reflect back to youth who they truly are and let them know that who they are is okay.”