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We Teach Rhode Island: School of Education Produces National Leader

Rhode Island College Impact

“My entire career has focused on eliminating whatever obstacles or barriers are in place so that adults and youth who didn’t think postsecondary education was an option for them could achieve it. That’s been my life’s work and it started at Rhode Island College.”

RIC Alum Fosters Love of Learning in ELL Students

“A student’s primary language is a big part of their identity,” Rivera said. “It should be viewed as a valuable resource that can be, and should be, maintained as students acquire and develop English language proficiency.”

We Teach Rhode Island: RIC is Responding to Shortage of ELL-Certified Teachers

Elisa Rivera, a second-grade, dual-language teacher, works with a child ​on reading​.​

The Mayor’s Deputy Director of Policy, Leonela Felix

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

Attorney Katelyn Medeiros: Defending the Rights of Children

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

Criminal Defense Attorney Allyson Quay: Fighting Injustice from the Inside

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

Miriam Contreras-Morales: The Heart of an Activist

Justice Studies graduates take their passion for advocacy into the legal and political arenas. Read their stories in this four-part series.

Necessity Became the Mother of Invention for Math App Inventor Roberto Campusano

“Like most discoveries in life, I stumbled upon this as I was pursuing something else,” says Roberto Campusano ’95.

Dorca Paulino: A Bridge Between Job-Seekers and the Judiciary

Born in the Dominican Republic, Paulino spent her early years in a city torn by civil strife that would forever shape her life direction.

Brandi DiDino – Committed to Bettering the Lives of R.I.’s Children

Her work day is filled with emergency situations and crisis interventions involving families and children.