The MLL endorsement is available to both graduate and undergraduate students. As long as you have taken a general methods course you are welcome to register for the class. If you are not currently a student at RIC, you can register as a non-degree student.
If you have never attended Rhode Island College, you will need to create an account to obtain a username, password, and appointment time in order to register for classes. Students applying to the college should not use this process
Create a MyRIC Account to Register
Request a MyRIC account and you will receive an email confirmation. You will also be emailed instructions about your MyRIC username and password for future or return use if it is not yet your appointment time.
Registration times are assigned first to degree students, then current non-degree students, followed by new non-degree students. Non-degree registration for fall is in late August; for spring, early January; and early March for summer. Registration dates are listed in the academic calendar.
Please note: If an existing account is found for you, you will be directed to request reactivation of your account through the Registar's Office. Call the Registrar's Office at 401-456-8213 or email the Registrar's Office at