Elementary Education BS Program Specifics

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A Country-Wide Need for Special Education Teachers

Teachers are in high demand across all disciplines, especially teachers prepared to work with students with a wide range of learning needs. This program makes you eligible to teach all learners in grades 1-6 and additional populations and age ranges beyond that, based on the concentration you choose. 

3 Concentrations for Specialization

In our Elementary Education BS program you will choose from one of three concentrations:

  • Mild to Moderate Disabilities (certifying you to teach students in grades 1-6)
  • Mild to Moderate Disabilities and Severe Intellectual Disabilities (certifying you to teach students with mild to moderate disabilities in grades 1–6 and severe intellectual disabilities from preschool to age 22)
  • Severe Intellectual Disabilities (certifying you to teach students with severe intellectual disabilities from preschool to age 22)

Interested in Special Education?

Rhode Island College is an exclusive member of the Common Application.

Program Details

Admission and Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an Academic Rhode Map for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.

Students must complete course requirements for the BS in elementary education and the required teaching concentration courses in special education – mild/moderate or severe intellectual disabilities.

Admission and Course Requirements

Admission and Course Requirements for Elementary Education BS

Course Requirements for Concentration in Special Education – Mild/Moderate Disabilities

Course Requirements for Concentration in Special Education – Severe Intellectual Disabilities

Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions – Elementary Education

Course Descriptions – Special Education

Academic Rhode Map

Academic Rhode Map for Concentration in Special Education BS

Rhode Island College entrance

Contact Us

Department of Elementary Education

We offer accredited academic programs that prepare teachers to function effectively in early childhood and elementary school teaching positions.

Department of Special Education

The Department of Special Education is designed for educational professionals interested in the teaching, learning and human development of individuals with special needs.

Carolyn Obel-Omia

Dr. Carolyn H. Obel-Omia

Associate Professor