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We are excited to renew our partnership with Bristol Community College to offer unique transfer opportunities for Bristol students who want to benefit from the academic reputation of RIC’s four year degree programs.

Program-to-Program Transfer Plans

If you are looking to complete your degree in:

we have designed program-to-program transfer plans for selected programs to facilitate a smooth transfer and to maximize your credits. Read the Transfer Articulation Agreement to learn more about transfer policies and watch for additional program plans for education, environmental studies, and social work; they are currently in development. 

Credit Evaluation Toward a New Program

For students who want to continue their education in a different Rhode Island College program, learn about our transfer admission requirements. You can see how your credits will transfer to RIC by viewing a list of prior approved courses and building a credit evaluation using the Transfer Evaluation System (TES). Students may also request a preliminary evaluation of course transfer by emailing us your transcripts and intended major. Email for a preliminary evaluation.

Affordable Tuition

Take advantage of the affordable tuition at Rhode Island College! Bristol transfers who are Massachusetts residents qualify for RIC’s Northeast Neighbors tuition program

In addition, the College will offer Merit Scholarships to qualifying Bristol Transfer Candidates.  The Admissions Office will be administering the awards and is currently developing the specific selection criteria. Watch for more information!

RIC Transfer Student

How to Apply

Students interested in transferring to Rhode Island College should submit:

  • a completed Common Application and nonrefundable $50 application fee. Please note: Recommender forms contained on the Common Application are NOT required. Simply request an offline form in this section to skip.
  • an official transcript from Bristol and any other college you have attended will be required for admission.

Transfer Details for Psychology Completion

RIC Psychology, BA

Semester 1 at RICCredits
PSYC 230 Human Development (If not completed at Bristol)4
PSYC Required elective (Choose 1 PSYC 33X, 34X, 35X, or 42X; Check prerequisites)4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
Gen Ed language or literature (If not completed at Bristol)4
PSYC 210 Careers and Psychology (Optional - 1 credit) 
Semester 1 total credits:16
Semester 2 at RICCredits
PSYC Required Elective (Choose 1 PSYC 33X, 34X, 35X, or 42X; Check prerequisites)4
Elective or minor4
Gen Ed language or elective/minor4
Advanced Quantitative/Scientific Reasoning (AQSR) (Gen Ed requirement - Gen Ed Distribution Courses)4
PSYC 210 (Optional, if not taken in semester at RIC) 
Total semester 2 credits:16
Semester 3 at RICCredits
PSYC Required Elective (Choose 1 PSYC 33X, 34X, 35X, 42X, or 1 Research Lab course (PSYC 474W or 476W); Check prerequisites)4
PSYC Required Elective (Choose 1 PSYC 33X, 34X, 35X, 42X, or 1 Research Lab course (PSYC 474W or 476W); Check prerequisites)4
Elective or minor4
Elective or minor4
Total semester 3 credits:16
Semester 4 at RICCredits
PSYC Required Elective (Choose 1 PSYC 33X, 34X, 35X, 42X, or 1 Research Lab course (PSYC 473,475,476 or 477); Check prerequisites)4
Elective or minor4
Elective or minor4
Total semester 4 credits:12
Total program credits:60

Transfer Details for Dental Hygiene Completion

RIC Dental Hygiene Completion - BS in Health Sciences

Semester 1 at RICCredits
Gen Ed Distribution Course from Arts (A) or Literature (L)4
HSCI 402: Current Topics in Dental Hygiene4
CSCI 102 Computer Fundamentals for Cyber Security4
HPE 102: Human Health and Disease3
Elective1 to 4
Total semester 1 credits:16 - 18
Semester 2 at RICCredits
HSCI 466: Evidence-based Decision Making in Dental Hygiene4
HPE 233: Social and Global Perspectives on Health3
Gen Ed Distribution Courses from Arts (A) or Literature (L)4
Gen Ed Second Language 101/102, OR elective4
Total semester 2 credits:15
Semester 3 at RICCredits
HPE 307: Dynamics and Determinants of Disease3
HSCI 494: Independent Study in Health Sciences4
Gen Ed Second Language 102, OR elective4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
Total semester 3 credits:15
Total program credits:46 - 48

Transfer Details for Communication BA Program

Concentration in Media Communication

Semester 1 at RICCredits
COMM 208: Public Speaking4
COMM 242: Message, Media and Meaning4
COMM 243: Preproduction for Digital Media4
Second Language if not taken4
Gen Ed Literature (summer) Gen Ed Distribution Courses4
Semester 1 total credits: (assumes completion of Gen Ed Core Courses at Bristol16 + 4
Semester 2 at RICCredits
COMM 244: Digital Media Lab4
COMM 347: Media Law4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
Second Language if needed4
Semester 2 total credits:16
Semester 3 at RICCredits
COMM 343: Audio Production for Multimedia4
COMM 345: Advanced Digital Media Production4
COMM 349: Media Theory and Research4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 241, 344, 346, 348, 351, 443, 479)4
Semester 3 total credits:16
Semester 4 at RICCredits
COMM 492: Digital Media Practicum4
COMM 340: Media Ethics4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 241, 344, 346, 348, 351, 443, 479)4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 241, 344, 346, 348, 351, 443, 479)4
Semester 4 total credits:16
Total program credits:68

Concentration in Public and Professional Communication

Semester 1 at RICCredits
COMM 208: Public Speaking4
COMM 251: Research Methods in Comm4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
Second Language if not taken4
Semester 1 total credits: (assumes completion of Gen Ed Distribution Courses at Bristol16
Semester 2 at RICCredits
COMM 351: Persuasion4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 230, 256, 332, 333, 336, 353, 354, 356, 359, 412, 452, 454, 459, 479)4
Gen Ed Literature (Gen Ed Distribution Courses)4
Second Language if needed4
Semester 2 total credits:16
Semester 3 at RICCredits
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 230, 256, 332, 333, 336, 353, 354, 356, 359, 412, 452, 454, 459, 479)4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 230, 256, 332, 333, 336, 353, 354, 356, 359, 412, 452, 454, 459, 479)4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 230, 256, 332, 333, 336, 353, 354, 356, 359, 412, 452, 454, 459, 479)4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 230, 256, 332, 333, 336, 353, 354, 356, 359, 412, 452, 454, 459, 479)4
Semester 3 total credits:16
Semester 4 at RICCredits
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 230, 256, 332, 333, 336, 353, 354, 356, 359, 412, 452, 454, 459, 479)4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 230, 256, 332, 333, 336, 353, 354, 356, 359, 412, 452, 454, 459, 479)4
COMM 461: Public and Professional Capstone4
Semester 4 total credits:12
Total program credits:60

Concentration in Speech, Language and Hearing Science

Semester 1 at RICCredits
COMM 208: Public Speaking4
COMM 251: Research Methods in Comm4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
Second Language if not taken4
Semester 1 total credits: (assumes completion of Gen Ed Distribution Courses at Bristol16
Semester 2 at RICCredits
COMM 255: Introduction to Language4
Second Language if needed4
Gen Ed Literature (Gen Ed Distribution Courses)4
Semester 2 total credits:16
Semester 3 at RICCredits
COMM 305: Introduction to Comm Disorders3
COMM 319: Phonetics and Phonology4
COMM 320: Speech and Language Development4
COMM 323: Introduction to Audiology3
Semester 3 total credits:14
Semester 4 at RICCredits
COMM 325: Anatomy and Physiology: Speech and Hearing4
COMM 421: Speech and Hearing Science4
COMM 422: Language Processes4
COMM 429: Introduction to the Clinical Process, or COMM 479: Comm Internship3 or 4
Semester 4 total credits:15 or 16
Total program credits:61 - 62

Concentration in Public Relations/Advertising

Semester 1 at RICCredits
COMM 208: Public Speaking4
COMM 251: Research Methods in Comm4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
Second Language if not taken4
Total semester 1 credits: (assumes completion of Gen Ed Distribution Courses at Bristol16
Semester 2 at RICCredits
COMM 334: Intro to Advertising4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 311, 312, 335, 337, 339)4
Gen Ed Literature (Gen Ed Distribution Courses)4
Second language if needed4
Total semester 2 credits:16
Semester 3 at RICCredits
COMM 357: Public Opinion and Propaganda4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 311, 312, 335, 337, 339)4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 311, 312, 335, 337, 339)4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 311, 312, 335, 337, 339)4
Total semester 3 credits:16
Semester 4 at RICCredits
COMM 479: Communication Internship4
COMM 485: Public Relations and Advertising Campaigns4
COMM Required Elective (Choose 1: COMM 201, 311, 312, 335, 337, 339)4
Total semester 4 credits:12
Total program credits:60

Concentration in Journalism

Semester 1 at RICCredits
COMM 208: Public Speaking4
COMM 201: Writing for News4
COMM 244: Digital Media Lab4
Second Language if not taken4
Gen Ed Literature (summer) (Gen Ed Distribution Courses)4
Semester 1 total credits: (assumes completion of Gen Ed Distribution Courses at Bristol)16 + 4
Semester 2 at RICCredits
COMM 251: Research Methods in Comm4
COMM 347: Media Law4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
Second Language if needed4
Semester 2 total credits:16
Semester 3 at RICCredits
COMM 252: Multimedia Journalism I4
COMM 303: Advanced Reporting and Interview4
COMM Required elective (Choose 1: COMM 242, 334, 336, 346, 348, 351, 353, 357, 443)4
COMM Required elective (Choose 1: COMM 242, 334, 336, 346, 348, 351, 353, 357, 443)4
Semester 3 total credits:16
Semester 4 at RICCredits
COMM 253: Multimedia Journalism II4
COMM 340: Media Ethics4
COMM Required elective (Choose 1: COMM 242, 334, 336, 346, 348, 351, 353, 357, 443)4
COMM 497: Internship4
Semester 4 total credits:16
Total program credits:68

Transfer Details for Theatre BA Program

Concentration in General Theatre

Semester 1 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 178: Theatre Production1
THTR 440 or 441: Theatre History4
Second language if not taken4
Gen Ed Distribution Courses4
Total semester 1 credits:16
Semester 2 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 178: Theatre Production1
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
THTR Elective3
Second language4
Total semester 2 credits:15
Semester 3 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 278: Theatre Production II1
THTR 440 or 441 Theatre History4
THTR Elective3
THTR Elective3
Total semester 3 credits:14
Semester 4 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 460: Seminar3
Gen Ed Distribution Courses (if not taken at Bristol)4
THTR Elective3
THTR Elective3
Total semester 4 credits:16
Total program credits:61

Concentration in Performance

Semester 1 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 178: Theatre Production1
THTR 322: Advanced Scene Study3
THTR 440 or 441: Theatre History4
Second language if not taken4
Literature (summer also) (Gen Ed Distribution Course)4
Total semester 1 credits:16
Semester 2 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 178 Theatre Production1
THTR 224 Script Analysis3
THTR 227: Advanced Movement3
THTR 323: Acting VI3
THTR Elective3
Second language if needed4
Total semester 2 credits:17
Semester 3 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 278: Theatre Production II1
THTR 420: Acting VII3
THTR 424: Auditioning Techniques3
THTR 440 or 441 Theatre History4
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses)4
THTR Elective3
Total semester 3 credits:18
Semester 4 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 278: Theatre Production1
THTR 421:Acting VIII3
THTR 460: Seminar3
THTR Elective3
THTR Elective3
Gen Ed Distribution Courses (if not taken at Bristol)4
Total semester 4 credits:17
Total program credits:68

Concentration in Design/Technical

Semester 1 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 178: Theatre Production1
THTR 217: Stage Management3
THTR 278: Theatre Production II1
THTR 440 or 441: Theatre History4
Second Language if not taken4
General Education Literature - 4
Total semester 1 credits:17
Semester 2 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 178: Theatre Production1
THTR 278: Theatre Production II1
THTR 228: Basic Design3
THTR 231: Scenography3
THTR Elective3
Connections Gen Ed course (Gen Ed Core Courses4
Second language if needed4
Total semester 2 credits:19
Semester 3 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 232: Tech Theatre Principles3
THTR 233: Architecture and Décor3
THTR 378: Theatre Production1
THTR 478: Theatre Production1
THTR 440 or 441: Theatre History4
THTR Elective3
THTR Elective3
Total semester 3 credits:18
Semester 4 at RICCredits
THTR 091: Portfolio Review0
THTR 330: Tech Design Concepts3
THTR 378: Theatre Production1
THTR 478: Theatre Production1
THTR 460: Seminar3
THTR Elective3
Gen Ed Distribution Courses (if not taken at Bristol)4
Total semester 4 credits:15
Total program credits:69
Rhode Island College entrance

Contact Us

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

We provide prospective students with information and assistance on the application process, scholarships, financial aid, transfer credits, and more.

Brian Stevens

Dr. Brian Stevens

Associate Director of Admissions

Transfer Coordinator