Learn how to make money move with a degree in finance.

Students with professor at computers in finance lab

We offer an affordable pathway to a variety of lucrative careers.

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Finance typically focuses on the study of prices, interest rates, money flows and the financial markets.

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In-Demand Careers

  • Commercial Banker
  • Loan Officer
  • Stock Broker
  • Venture Capitalist
  • Financial Advisor
  • Wealth Manager

Why Finance? | Why Our Program?

  • Our program combines theory with hands-on practice, using quantitative tools and analytical thinking.
  • Our School of Business is accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education. It is also a CFA Institute Affiliate and a Bloomberg Experiential Learning Partner.
  • Our minors in finance and international business allow students in other majors to complement their degree with a strong business foundation.
  • The Bachelor of Science in finance curriculum includes: financial management, corporate finance, investments, micro and macroeconomic theory, risk management and accounting.

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Our Economics and Finance Faculty

Hear from a Student

Samantha Sousa

Samantha Sousa

“I like money. I like the idea of it. I like figuring it out. I co-founded a business in my junior year, while working part time as a teller at the bank and going to school full time. I’m never settled. I’m always wanting more.”

Multiple Successes

Rhode Island College entrance

School of Business

We prepare students to lead boldly in business and industry.

Kemal Saaticioglu

Dr. Kemal Saatcioglu

Associate Professor