Film Studies BA and Minor Program Specifics

students filming a class project

RIC’s BA in film studies prepares students for a wide range of careers related to both filmmaking and the analysis of visual media. 

Curriculum and Skills Achieved

Our theory-to-practice curriculum combines instruction in filmmaking practices and styles with the study of the history, cultural reception, and cultural impacts of cinema, as well as an examination of the film industry and its place in modern society. You will study different modes of filmmaking, such as narrative, documentary, experimental, and serial storytelling across different media platforms. You will also learn skills related to screenwriting, directing, editing, and lighting & cinematography, and put them into practice in your own creative work. Film studies majors gain not only knowledge in their field, but also valuable soft skills such as research, analysis, collaboration, and project management.

Expected Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, our graduates are prepared for entry-level work in a wide range of careers in creative positions within the film industry, in independent film production, in social media content creation, or in web series creation. Alternatively, they are prepared for entry-level work  in entertainment journalism, in film and media reviewing, and in related fields such as festival programming, arts management, marketing, and media education.

Program Details

About the RIC Film Studies Program

Video created by Alexander Geil (class of 2026) for the FILM 218: Fundamentals of Film Production course

Rhode Island College entrance

Program Director